[I created this look with Aveda Air Control, Aveda Pure Abundance Hair Potion, and EcoStyling Gel.]
New Year RESOLUTION - (the act of resolving or determining upon action, a firm resolution to do something.)
The year is ending and its about that time for New Year Resolutions. I can start off by saying I completed my current year resolutions, well...at least the ones that were important! in the year 2017 my horoscope predicts greater inner growth than outer and that "things" will manifest as they should.
I believe if you do something that contributes toward your future a day, you will soon meet your goal. Goals are necessary for growth, yes growth is inevitable but without a goal you will be spun in circles. Be realistic in what you want to achieve in a short term, be honest with where you are at and what your are happy with and measure out that distance to your resolution, then start moving and don't stop. Here are some of my resolutions:
I will be the best version of myself.
I will create opportunity.
I will work smarter.
I will work harder.
I will be more positive.
I will be Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy.
Happy New Year!!!!!